Dear Family,
I think you might be dying to know about this week. I will start off with Transfers. I had to stay in the Maple Valley Stake Center and wait for the new missionaries and Elder Nelson left to be a Zone Leader in Graham. I have never felt so much anxiety in my life. I remember sitting down in the chapel, waiting. I had a packet in my hands with my name on it and my new title, Trainer. I opened it and started reading the papers and instructions inside it. As I was reading, an overwhelming sense of peace came to my heart. I smiled as I realized that God will never leave me and will fill the hole in my heart with His Spirit. At that moment, I knew that everything was going to be okay. I felt happy, hopeful, and even excited to meet my new companion. It turns out that I actually got to meet him before I knew he was my companion!
President Eaton was running late, so we got to have dinner with all the new missionaries first! Elder John, Elder Miner, and one other Elder sat across from me. We had a nice conversation and we got to know each other. I had a feeling that one of those three would be my companion. When President Eaton arrived, we found out who our new companions would be. This is what President Eaton said, "I didn't realize until now that their names rhymed. In Scenic Hill, Elder Miner will be serving with Elder Steiner."
I'll be honest. I feel like Elder Miner came pre-trained. He has some pretty amazing skills for missionary work. It has been awesome being able to serve with him for one week, and I am looking forward to serving with him for the rest of the transfer! I love you all!
Elder Steiner.
P.S. Sister Ellineta Smith's Conversion Story Part 3, as said by Ellineta Smith, with details added by Elder Steiner and Elder Nelson.
On August 10th, the missionaries taught Sister Smith in what they called, "The Mission Home." She met President Eaton and Sister Eaton. President Eaton entertained her son, Josh, and Sister Eaton helped with the lesson. They taught about repentance that night.
Sister Smith worked very hard to do what the Elders taught her to do. She slowly read more and more of the Book of Mormon. The missionaries invited her to a Mission Devotional on August 16th, but she wasn't able to attend. She had to go to Auburn to get her car fixed and stay at a friends house over night the same night as the Mission Devotional.
The next morning, August 17th, the missionaries received a phone call from Sister Laude. Sister Laude was in a panic and was speaking so fast, the missionaries almost couldn't understand what she was saying. She was saying that Sister Smith had just called her and had said that she wasn't interested in being baptized anymore.
The missionaries immediately called Sister Smith. She didn't reject them over the phone, but instead said that she had a lot of questions and she wanted the missionaries to answer them. They set up an appointment for later that evening.
When the time came, the missionaries came to Sister Smith's apartment with Sister Laude and one of her sons. The missionaries listened to Sister Smith's questions. It turns out that the friend that she stayed with over night, had showed her an Anti-Mormon blog.
The missionaries help her realize that the real question she was asking was whether or not the Book of Mormon was true. They showed her some videos (some were actually from the devotional the previous night) that talked about the Book of Mormon.
The missionaries then asked her if she would kneel and pray and ask God if the Book of Mormon was true. She accepted and said a very sincere prayer. The Holy Spirit was there so strong that she was crying at the end of the prayer. She said to the missionaries that she wants to be baptized still! The missionaries set up her interview and said their good-byes for the night.
The missionaries taught her about the Law of Tithing on Wednesday, the 19th.
Sister Smith passed her interview on Sunday and was ready to be baptized! She kept reading the Book of Mormon and finished all of 1 Nephi the day before her baptism.
On August 29th, Ellineta Smith was baptized. She came up out of the water with a huge smile! The Spirit was so strong! She was Confirmed the next day, August 30th. She showed up that day with a Tithing envelope in her hand.
Sister Smith has since then moved out of Scenic Hill into a different Stake. She moved to try and find a better place for her son to grow up. The missionaries hope to see her again, in one year, at the temple.
Q and A:
Where is your new companion from?
* East Salt Lake, Utah.
How is your training going?
* Very busy, but good. We only had time to train 3 times last week.
Does he like to work?
* I don't know yet. Probably yes.
What are some of his talents?
* Charity in contacting and in lessons.
What are some of the things he doesn't like?
* I don't know, he seems to like everything.
Does he cook?
* Yes, he cooked a meal from our crock pot already.
Now that your area is split, do you still live in the same place?
* Yes.
You would think you could see more of my desk top if I got a bigger desk. Nope. But, I did get to inherit the Master Desk and Master Chair! |
Elder Steiner and Elder Miner. |