Dear Family,
This week has been pretty great! Elder Anderson and I are seeing blessings and miracles happen in Scenic Hill. Christmas is on the way, we have presents under our tree, we are listening to Christmas Mormon Tabernacle Choir, everyone is nice at this time of year, and there is no snow, just rain. Yep, lots of rain. It would feel more like Christmas if it snowed. I am pretty excited for Christmas to come! It is also very awesome to have the car full time again!
Elder John was my District Leader last transfer, but now has been transferred to the Skyway ward in the Renton Stake. His first day there, he got shot in the leg, but he is doing good now. Anyway, my new District Leader is Elder Bakes! Oh, and my district includes the Assistants to the President! That is so cool! Since my District Leader doesn't have a car, we are their ride for everything! I will probably get a picture of us in the car sometime later today.
On Sunday, we were going around doing work, and I found this list of less active members to visit that I had forgotten about. We have had it for almost 4 weeks. So, I chose the Muauu family and decided to go visit. When we got there, Brother Muauu was actually home. We don't visit them often because he works from 9 am to 10 pm every single day, so the fact that he was home was a miracle! I shared the short Christmas message from 3 Nephi 1:19-21 (The one about the signs of Christ's birth) and talked about how important it is to remember Christ, the true meaning of Christmas. Sister Muauu said that this was exactly what she needed and was grateful that we came by. I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of all of us! He knows our situation and is willing to help. Sometimes He offers the comfort of the Spirit, sometimes it is by a loved one visiting, or even sometimes the missionaries will come over! I know that He loves all of us with a love that we cannot comprehend! Let us rejoice because He has given us this great gift, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to atone for our sins! Let us celebrate His birth this Christmas!
I can't wait for Christmas calls! I am so excited to see you! Mom will know the details of the Skype. I will get only 40 minutes, so come prepared with questions or things to say. I want to make the most of it! I love you all!
Elder Steiner.
Items Received:
* 2 Christmas Packages from home
* Package from Grandma and Grandpa Sheffield
I realized I forgot to take some pictures of my new companion, Elder Anderson, so I got a picture right here at the library! |
This is our Christmas tree, missionary style! |