This is my first P-Day on my mission! I don't know about you, but I feel that this feels kind of early. I have only been in the MTC for 2 and a half days.
Wednesday, June 24th
First coming to the MTC was a shock. They had me pick up a few papers and things. Now I see why the other missionary was taking my suit cases, my hands were full. After we dropped everything off at the residence, he took me immediately to class. I met my district in the class room and it turns out that I have two companions: Elder Northrup and Elder Kidwell. I think that the first day was pretty discouraging because they kind of expected us to know how to teach on the first day. I heard that the first few days at the MTC are very hard, so I have decided to make the most of it and just learn as much as I can.
Thursday, June 25th
Today was a lot easier. The elders in my residence, Elder Knight and Elder Ribstein and my companionship planned to wake up at 6:10 to get to the showers first, but the alarm we set didn't go off. Someone woke us up at 6:20, which still wasn't too late. Today seemed to go by a lot faster than yesterday. The food is pretty good and it is all you can eat. :) During class today, we taught pretend investigators and I felt that the words just came to me as I would speak. It was the most spiritual moment I have had since I have entered the MTC. Also, at the end of that class, they gave us seven minutes of personal study. I felt the spirit and I decided to let it guide me to what I was to study. I turned to Alma 44:16-21. The story was about a battle between the Lamanites and Nephites. I felt that the Nephites represented missionaries and the Lamanites represented the people without the gospel. In the story, the battle was sore and there were a lot of casualties on both sides. Some missionaries don't feel they can handle a mission and go home, but most stay and teach and convert many people to the gospel. At the end of the chapter, the Nephites return to their homes in victory, as I may return home after my mission is complete with honor. This helped me understand that my mission isn't going to be easy, but I know that if I work hard and rely on the Lord, I will be successful.
Friday, June 26th
P-Day! Pretty much the only thing I have done today is eat breakfast and write this letter. :) I have to put in the laundry at 9:10, so I am a little late for that.
I miss you all and love you! I know that I am in the right place and I am very excited to get out there and start teaching by the Spirit! Have a great week!