We all bonded early. It was said of us during our first week that we were as close as most other districts were on their 3rd week (for English speaking missionaries that’s their final week). We always sit next to each other at meal time and during our district meetings we aren’t afraid to tell experiences and ask questions. We love telling each other our highs and lows of each day and we’ve had many nights where we are all crying from spiritual talks with each other. We are definitely a big family of fourteen; eight elders and six Sisters.
The reason why I say all of this is because I have some stories that I would like to share. The first was done last Wednesday night or so (maybe Tuesday). The Elders had the idea of consecrating their own oil and giving some of it to everyone in the district to keep with them for the rest of their missions. That night, the elders had little idea of what to do, but thankfully, we had the missionary handbook which explains exactly how to do it. I will tell you, that the moment the first elder started his prayer, the room just filled with the spirit and it was amazing. I’ve never felt the spirit descend so quickly as it did that night. It was special. I bought myself a small vial at the store on the MTC campus and was able to get some from Elder McBride. This is something I will definitely keep with me.
The other story I will tell about my district is mostly about my companion, Sister Francom. We are very different from each other, but I will tell you how we’ve come closer together and it was because of a bit of service. My companion has been sad due to a number of family problems, and I wanted to find a way to cheer her up. The Lord gave me a wonderful idea and with His help I was able to pull it off.
It first came to me as I was making these little origami balls that I had learned to make from my math class. I decided that I should make one for my companion and write a little not inside telling her how much I had come to love her and admire her. Then the idea grew to getting notes from each member of the district for her, so she would know how much we all cared for her and loved her. I would stick all the notes in the origami ball.
The reason why I say all of this is because I have some stories that I would like to share. The first was done last Wednesday night or so (maybe Tuesday). The Elders had the idea of consecrating their own oil and giving some of it to everyone in the district to keep with them for the rest of their missions. That night, the elders had little idea of what to do, but thankfully, we had the missionary handbook which explains exactly how to do it. I will tell you, that the moment the first elder started his prayer, the room just filled with the spirit and it was amazing. I’ve never felt the spirit descend so quickly as it did that night. It was special. I bought myself a small vial at the store on the MTC campus and was able to get some from Elder McBride. This is something I will definitely keep with me.
The other story I will tell about my district is mostly about my companion, Sister Francom. We are very different from each other, but I will tell you how we’ve come closer together and it was because of a bit of service. My companion has been sad due to a number of family problems, and I wanted to find a way to cheer her up. The Lord gave me a wonderful idea and with His help I was able to pull it off.
It first came to me as I was making these little origami balls that I had learned to make from my math class. I decided that I should make one for my companion and write a little not inside telling her how much I had come to love her and admire her. Then the idea grew to getting notes from each member of the district for her, so she would know how much we all cared for her and loved her. I would stick all the notes in the origami ball.
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Sister Framcom and I at the MTC |
I took this idea to Heavenly Father in prayer one night, and I knew that it was good. I could not fall asleep because I was so excited and Heavenly Father helped me refine my plan. I realized that to make the origami ball, it took 12 pieces and my district was 14. So subtracting me and Sister Francom it was perfect. Everyone, would have a piece to write on. If I did it the other way, there wouldn’t have been enough room for all the notes in the small ball.
I will say that I did not hesitate to start this process. The next morning I convinced Sister Francom to go and get more origami paper (pink for the sisters, blue for the elders, and two green to throw off suspicion) I was determined to keep my ultimate plan a secret from my companion and that would have been really hard without the help from Sister Finlinson and her companion Sister Wilson.
Early on, Sister Finlinson said she’d help me with anything and after I finished folding each piece I gave her charge to give them to each of the elders with the instructions of what they were to do. She then gave the prices to our district leader, Elder Probst who passed them out. The next day or two, Sister Finlinson said she had got all of them, but we were too busy to put it all together that evening so it had to wait until Saturday night.
Saturday was pretty emotional for Sister Francom, she saw one of her best friends working in the cafeteria and it really made her homesick. She really needed what I had planned for her. Thankfully, Sister Wilson was able to hang out with Sister Francom that night so I could get together with Sister Finlinson to put the origami piece together. I finished by writing her my note and then we gave it to my companion!
I will say that I did not hesitate to start this process. The next morning I convinced Sister Francom to go and get more origami paper (pink for the sisters, blue for the elders, and two green to throw off suspicion) I was determined to keep my ultimate plan a secret from my companion and that would have been really hard without the help from Sister Finlinson and her companion Sister Wilson.
Early on, Sister Finlinson said she’d help me with anything and after I finished folding each piece I gave her charge to give them to each of the elders with the instructions of what they were to do. She then gave the prices to our district leader, Elder Probst who passed them out. The next day or two, Sister Finlinson said she had got all of them, but we were too busy to put it all together that evening so it had to wait until Saturday night.
Saturday was pretty emotional for Sister Francom, she saw one of her best friends working in the cafeteria and it really made her homesick. She really needed what I had planned for her. Thankfully, Sister Wilson was able to hang out with Sister Francom that night so I could get together with Sister Finlinson to put the origami piece together. I finished by writing her my note and then we gave it to my companion!
She was confused. At least until, I told her to look at my note (which I hadn’t put inside). It described what it was and that I’d help her open it so she could read all the notes. She cried as she sat on a bed and read all of the notes. I don’t even know what the others told her, but it definitely has cheered her up these past few days and I’m glad that Heavenly Father helped me know what I needed to do.
I’m also pleased to say that Sister Francom had no idea how I was able to put it all together without her knowing. I told her all about the adventure, expressing how I couldn’t have done it without Heavenly Father and the others members of my district. I’m so grateful for all of them!
But yeah! That’s the biggest story I have this week and the one that gives me the most joy. My love for Sister Francom has definitely increased and even though we aren’t the closest, we are getting along pretty well. It’s a good start.
This next story, is shorter and a bit more closer to home, I think. Most of my time is spent in the really big, most southern building on campus. And I often am able to look out the windows and see the exact apartment building I stayed I last year at BYU, even my very window. When I’m on the 6th floor of the building I can see a lot of the BYU campus and I do admit that I get a bit homesick for it. But then, as part of a class activity on Saturday, we were to pick a scripture randomly and somehow apply it to ourselves. I tried to give my partner a hard one and I gave him one from the war chapters. Numbers came to my mind and I said Alma 55:12. Open it, if you’d like. It’s a simple verse. Basically, Moroni is trying to free some prisoners from the Lamanites and to do so, he sends a good lamanite to give them wine to drink, so they’ll fall asleep. They want the wine, and the good lamanite says they can do so according to their desires.
Little did I know, this story would be of great worth unto me. It said I could go back if I really wanted to, but then as it was a bad decision for the lamanites so too would it be a bad decision for me. I’d fall asleep according to things which are best and I wouldn’t grow as much as I could. I fear that, like the lamanites, I would awake and find myself surrounded by my enemy and fall. Being on a mission is hard, but from this simple scripture I’ve realized that this is the best place for me to be right now, even though I miss everyone terribly.
Let me just say one thing: I love the scriptures!
Those are the stories I wish to express this week and we’ll see if I have more next week. I also really enjoyed getting emails and packages from those who sent them so thank you for those! So I’ll bid you farewell until next time!
Sister Becca Steiner
But yeah! That’s the biggest story I have this week and the one that gives me the most joy. My love for Sister Francom has definitely increased and even though we aren’t the closest, we are getting along pretty well. It’s a good start.
This next story, is shorter and a bit more closer to home, I think. Most of my time is spent in the really big, most southern building on campus. And I often am able to look out the windows and see the exact apartment building I stayed I last year at BYU, even my very window. When I’m on the 6th floor of the building I can see a lot of the BYU campus and I do admit that I get a bit homesick for it. But then, as part of a class activity on Saturday, we were to pick a scripture randomly and somehow apply it to ourselves. I tried to give my partner a hard one and I gave him one from the war chapters. Numbers came to my mind and I said Alma 55:12. Open it, if you’d like. It’s a simple verse. Basically, Moroni is trying to free some prisoners from the Lamanites and to do so, he sends a good lamanite to give them wine to drink, so they’ll fall asleep. They want the wine, and the good lamanite says they can do so according to their desires.
Little did I know, this story would be of great worth unto me. It said I could go back if I really wanted to, but then as it was a bad decision for the lamanites so too would it be a bad decision for me. I’d fall asleep according to things which are best and I wouldn’t grow as much as I could. I fear that, like the lamanites, I would awake and find myself surrounded by my enemy and fall. Being on a mission is hard, but from this simple scripture I’ve realized that this is the best place for me to be right now, even though I miss everyone terribly.
Let me just say one thing: I love the scriptures!
Those are the stories I wish to express this week and we’ll see if I have more next week. I also really enjoyed getting emails and packages from those who sent them so thank you for those! So I’ll bid you farewell until next time!
Sister Becca Steiner
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The walk to the temple on Sunday |