Hey Family!
So this week was cool. I mean really cool as in cold cool! It is going to be a very cold winter here with no snow. I hope it is warmer up there but I want you to know that I just bought a hat. :) I will be warm for now. To be honest I feel like I am just about to run a track race in the cold rain when it is raining down here which it is right now.
I think that the work is going well for us cause he have run into a few people that have expressed they want to be baptized. We didn't even ask them the question when they said that, so I hope everything works out. I do have to say that I miss home a lot but I don't want to go home. You need to come out here! I think I have decided that I don't want you to come pick me up from my mission. I want to fly back home. :)
So my companion is a little out there but I am dealing with it. I think he was a gangster before he got converted. We're just not seeing eye to eye on some of the rules I think he should keep.
So I need to tell you to send the Christmas stuff before December 1st. Ties, Letters, and the mini BOM, NT, OT, POGP, & D&C. <-- (Basicaly the scriptures) I will be trying to send home a box before Christmas so you can have some things and look through it all and ya. :)
I feel really lazy right now. We will be going to Downtown Columbia today. My companion wanted to go even though the other three of us have already gone, but all well.
So something really cool is that I have learned to fold my clothes the way the military do. I think it is so cool that I want to show you when I get home so that we can do our 72 hour kits. I want you to know that these next two weeks I will be having 2 dinners some nights :) hehe I love the members here and I honestly want to stay here for the rest of my mission but I know that I won't and that is sad. I think that the members here have made me feel more like I am at home.
Oh something funny that happened was yesterday with bro Barton. We were going to come up and knock on his house to see him and when we got there we heard screaming like crazy and we could tell that he was under stress just by being outside. I thought he was going to cuss but he didn't. We rang the doorbell and he yelled at us to come in and to come into the tv room. Carolina Gamecocks were down 7 points with 12 seconds left against the Florida Gators. Score: 10:17 There was 3 yards left and it was 3rd down, well lets just say it was really intense and they went into overtime and ended up winning the game.
Brother Barton calmed down once we got there but I will always remember him and how he loves his Carolina Gamecocks, football games.
So I want all of you to know that I love you and that I can't wait to embrace you all in my arms. I am praying for you every night and I hope that you have a wonderful Holiday without me. I will be over at T's for Thanksgiving. Don't worry, the first year is always the worst when it comes to missing someone during the Holidays. I really miss Black Friday. I really want to go but we can't.
Something I really like is on lds.org and it is the daily quotes. I love looking through those and understanding a little more in short paragraphs of knowledge.
So this week we had a guy that said he didn't believe that Mary was a virgin and it got into a really awkward situation. We basically just asked him if he believed that God had all power. I can't remember what his reply was but he tried to side step the question. It's really interesting why people believe what they believe. I feel like I have all the answers it's just they won't listen. This church makes the most sense and I know that you can come to know it to be true by the fruits of it's gospel.
I believe you have many questions for me and I will try to share what I am experiencing with you. So much happens in one week that it is impossible to write all the blessings, spiritual moments, personal revelations and relationships I am going through right now. Wow, this letter seems long.
So i forgot to tell you that I have a full flash drive of music and will be sending it home so that you can put some talks and music onto Bretton's iPod before he leaves on him mission. I still need to sort through most of it.
I want you to know that I am doing well and that I am excited to hear from you. I love you all so much and I can't wait to facetime you. I hope that I can at least. Maybe you should go and visit Amelia for christmas so that I can see Colton. ;) hehe just maybe though. He might facetime at a different time than me.
I can't wait to hug all of you and I hope that you all are reading the Book of Mormon every day. I love you all again!
I love you Mom. I love you Dad.
~Elder Bryson Steiner