So this week has been a cool week. We went to a less-actives house yesterday and it just so happened that we talked to the whole family. 3 generations of the family were there and we asked who had been baptized and there were about 3 and so this got the children's interest and then they expressed that they wanted to get baptized. So we have maybe 3 people that will get baptized. I just hope that everything will just work out well.
The thing with the hair. I can give myself a haircut to myself now. My hair does need to be cut again but I have already had 2 haircuts on my mission.
Today for P-day we went to the Plex and we played ultimate, and football. So during football there was a Samoan from another ward there and he was really huge. Like he was built for football. So the play started and I was in the middle. I ran a few yards up and then turned right around and the ball was thrown to me. I caught the ball and before I landed on the ground the Samoan accidentally hit me from behind. I kept the ball in my hands and landed on my feet cause he basically set my down. He hit me on my upper back and the force popped all of my upper spine. I got the air knocked out of me from behind for the first time in my life and it was really weird. I'm pretty sure I will sleep well tonight but tomorrow morning will be a sore one.
I can play it back in my mind and I'm pretty sure I looked funny. I don't think I broke anything and it doesn't really hurt right now.
So I just got some gloves and I now have 37 ties cause I can get really good ties at goodwill for 50 cents each. I think I have an addiction.
I think for Christmas I really want a full set of small scriptures. There will be 4 books. The Book of Mormon, Old Testament, New Testament, and the Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. You should find them on the Lds store. They are, I think priced for about 14-15 dollars. I think that I would like my own haircut kit. I would need the one that has the inch long and then goes shorter. I have found them all over here and I am thinking about getting one. Here they are about $20.
I can't really think of anything else right now. I believe I am doing good and I really don't want to move out of this area yet. I love it too much and I hope to stay at least another transfer for Christmas.
So the things that I have missed the most out here are. Watching baby David grow up. Having my family around all the time. And my friends.
I am still homesick but I am trying not to be still. I hope you are having a wonderful time. .
I love you! I am praying for you.
~Elder Steiner
P.S. I want to be a Photographer when I get back home. Even if it is only for a hobby.
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