Dear Family,
This week has been pretty busy, too! We don't get to proselyte very much, but when we do, I always look forward to when we get to see Candace! She is a recent convert who is paralyzed from the waist down. We go over to her apartment every Tuesday and Thursday with the ward mission leader to read the Book of Mormon with her. She usually invites the maintenance worker of the apartment complex. His name is Tony and he is a non-member. He has had all of the lessons, but somehow just hasn't decided to get baptized, yet.
On Tuesday, we read Alma 40 with Candace. This chapter talked about the Plan of Salvation. I remember looking around the room and seeing the many statues, pictures, and stuffed animal horses all around her apartment. It also had a lot of Indian beads, cloths, and pictures, so it looked awesome! We read about the Resurrection and Brother Bean (the ward mission leader) talked about how the body will be restored to its perfect frame. He talked about how his daughter got in an accident when she was 13 and was paralyzed from the waist down, and how he knew that she will be able to walk again some day. Then he got emotional and with tears he said, "And I know that Candace will be able to ride horses again." Candace was crying, too, and the Spirit was in the room. It turns out that riding horses was a huge part of Candace's life and she had to leave it because she became paralyzed from an accident, too. In fact, Brother Bean's daughter and Candace both had their accidents the same summer.
Knowing about the Plan of Salvation brings a peace and comfort into your life. Candace, even though she is old and bed ridden, has the hope for a better life in the Resurrection when she can continue to do what she loves most, to ride horses. God loves us so much! That is why He set up this plan for us! There is a reason why it is also called the Plan of Happiness. It is because God ultimately wants us to be happy and joyful! He knows what it takes and He is willing to help us out at any time, if we call upon Him. I know that this is true.
The Maple Valley Stake is being split next Sunday! The new stake is going to be called The Enumclaw Stake! The Enumclaw Stake will be the largest in the mission and the remaining Maple Valley Stake will be pretty small. It is pretty dense, like Provo, except with more non-members. :) Actually when we call it Provo, we meant to say, if there is anywhere in the mission that we would call Provo, the Maple Valley Stake would be it. :) Anyway, I will still be in the Maple Valley Stake and so will the Mission Office, so no change for me. With the formation of a new Stake is making all of the missionaries think there might be a new Enumclaw Zone next transfer! No offical call has been made, yet, though Elder Davidson thinks he heard Assistant Mousser talk about "another zone". I don't know how it is going to work, but I am excited to see the changes!
I love you all!
Elder Bretton Steiner.
We finally finished deep clean the old Lake Lucerne apartment this week. We brought our District Leader and his companion to help us out. Elder Jackson decided it would be easier to just mop out the refrigerator. The housing coordinators were happy with it. :) |
This was my failed attempt to get our P-Day group picture. I look like a ghost and I totally missed Elder Davidson's face. You can see Elder Jackson (The left back) and Elder Raps our District Leader (The right back). |