My Companion is named Sister Burnside. I remember it because it's kind of like a sideburn, you know a beard... She makes that joke too sometimes when she introduces herself so that's been great. Thing about her and me is that we are so opposite! She loves shopping and you all know how I feel about that. She's not much for art or crafts or movies, but she's so open we are getting along quite well. I already feel that I can just ask her anything and she won't judge me for it. She's been so much fun! She looks a bit like one of my Trek Sisters; Miranda. (I think Bethany might know her) Sister Burnside is an inch or two shorter than me and is just so quirky! When it's just us and she goes on a rant she gains this silly accent that makes me laugh. I've already seen my own words following a similar pattern as hers when she speaks this way..... so no guarantees and it's only been 5 days! She can be pretty dramatic which is fun. (Btw she's from Sandy Utah)

The very first day Sister Burnside said that the Tallmadge area is the mission that EVERYONE wants to go to and that's because it is blooming! And she wasn't kidding! When we look at our areabook we have so many dots showing potentials and people we are teaching and the like! It's so crazy here! But I love it! We are always on the go and Exact Obedience is something we always strive for. Last night especially! (Oh it was so great... story time!)
We went to visit an old lady around 8:30 who Sister Burnside said was very talkative. We were there just listening to her for about 50 minutes! As you know, missionaries are supposed to be in their apartment by 9:30. We had about 10 minutes to drive back and get inside. As soon as we left the old lady's house we booked it to the car and quickly backed out (I had to stay out of the car to make sure we didn't hit anyone though there was no one there). When our building came into view it was 9:27; only three more minutes! We noticed that all the good parking spots were taken and so we had to turn around (Which included more backing up) and drive to the other side for more parking. I said a quick prayer for us to get in before 9:30. We found Celestial Parking which was great but we got out of the car so fast! We ran and were practically crying out "Exact Obedience!" as we went. Thankfully, my companion's phone said it was 9:29 as we reached our door and we both sighed gratefully to be in on time.
I know that is super ridiculous but we've been super obedient and the effects are already showing in this amazing area. I want to keep having miracles happen and the way to get those miracles is though Exact Obedience. hehe! You are probably wanting to know more about some of the people we are teaching. Well, I'll gladly tell you!
On Saturday we went to a referral and her name was Mae, though most people call her Freddy. (I have no idea why). We taught her the first lesson and she was supper receptive! She already had experience with feeling the Holy Ghost so it was pretty easy to invite her to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if its true. She accepted... and then it was my turn. I promised her that she would get that truth if she sought for it intently (Like Mormoni 10:4-5 says) but I also asked that if she did get the witness would she be willing to act on it and get baptized! SHE SAID YES!!!! So point for extending my very first soft baptism invite! Huzzah! We are excited to go later this week and teach her more.

Also something you should know is that when Bruce did come out of his shell he gave the other sisters nicknames. Sister Burnside is Smiles though I don't think Sister Dunn got one. But I got one that night. I got a nickname. I don't think I've ever been so happy to get a nickname because it means that he likes us. (He really doesn't like people) And guess what my nickname is!! He calls me Red. It's not because I'm "Retired Extremely Dangerous" Haha! Its because my face burns when I talk sometimes; especially when I'm nervous. So yeah! A silly nickname that I love!
Bruce has done a lot in darkness and he doesn't have much a desire for light. He told us he wanted to find someone who was as dark as him but nope! Instead he got to meet me! An innocent girl full of light. (Seriously he talked about how innocent I look) I'm just so grateful he's opened up to me. I don't know what we'll do to get through to him and show him that light is better than darkness even though its hard. My hope is that I'll be able to be a good example to him of light and how him how amazing it is. I know Heavenly Father loves him and I do too.

At least, the non-stressful part. Sister Burnside and I have to decide how often we go up to Kirtland to do tours and stuff. My companion worries about me and my training for the Kirtland stuff. She stresses out about this a lot though I think we'll just figure that out as we go. We are actually going to head up there later tonight and stay there until Wednesday morning. We both know how important Tallmadge is and thus we aren't going to go up very often. Since I haven't spent much time up there I haven't met the other Kirtland Sisters yet but I will tonight. That's exciting, though I think I'll go back to being quiet like I usually do around big groups. (My companion already knows that about me. At least she'll have my back and I'm grateful for that)
I'll finally get my phone tonight too! YAY! Right now I am actually in a library on a computer. This will probably be the last computer I'll touch for a long time. Yeah, we have a rule about not being on computers at all. We had to call our Mission President for permission to do this since I don't have my phone yet. This is a pretty strict mission and our Mission President is intimidating. Sister Burnside is both in awe and terror at the mention of his name. It's pretty silly. I love her. She makes me smile in a world that is so grey. Seriously! There has not been a sunny day since I've arrived here. LOTS of rain/snow and I'm so grateful for my rain-boots!! There was Frozen Rain on the day I arrived. It's been great!
I hope all of this makes sense cause it feels so disorganized today. But oh well! Life has been amazing and my companion is hilarious and encouraging. She's always pointing out my strengths and helping to start using them more often in our teaching. (I never knew that innocence could be a strength but that was one she mentioned after Bruce). She's patient with all of the stories I tell and we laugh a lot. I am loving the work though missing my music and stories. I do miss you all too but the stories I tell of you is helping me be happy. So thanks for all the fun adventures we've been on.
Until Next Time!
Sister Becca Steiner
P.S. I did get myself a new coat. We have two dinner plans on Thursday so we'll be stuffed. As far as I know our P-Day is on Monday.
We also got this cute note from Becca's Companion:
HI I'm sister Burnside and I get to be companions with your AMAZING daughter!!!! She is so happy it's crazy!!!!!! Here are some cute pictures of her I took on my phone (see them above) !! I already LOVE her
I wish your amazing family the very best <3
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