It’s Friday, I have yet another P-Day, which is pretty nice, but that means that I don’t know when I'll be able to email you all next. I get to my mission next Wednesday and I think that is P-Day in the field. I’ll see if I can send something out then. Anyway, since the rest of my district has left the time for the real training has begun.
These last two days I have learned so much about what Visitor Center Missionaries do and I am now more excited to be one.Apparently, VC Sisters (Visitor Center Sisters) do a lot of work online. There’s this website we go to that lists off the people all around the world who are requesting free Book of Mormons or Bibles. It appears that most on the list are desiring bibles. Which kind of makes sense.
But our job on that website is to contact those people in that list by messaging them and then calling them to ask more questions and contact info! Calling.... many of you probably know that I can get super scared from calling and tend to pace around for a few minutes before even attempting the call. (That’s what happened when I had to call and set up an appointment with the Stake President to come out on this mission) It looks like I’ll have to get over this weakness of mine.
Also with online work, we get to refer to ourselves by our first names! It’s to help people understand that we aren’t nuns but actual people with experiences. It’s already really weird to use my first name! Lol! Who knew it would happen so quickly?
The other thing about VC Sisters which I love a lot more than calling is giving tours. It was described to us as a “walking lesson” and that is literally what it is... except I think it’s easier. When giving a tour you have a lot of resources to work with; videos, pictures sculptures, etc. all of these things have a story and you all know how much I love telling stories. We had a TRC tour yesterday. Basically a practice one where we had a person, learned about who he was/ his story and then took him to different murals we have to teach him something that could help him. Our TRC wanted to find direction in his life and so we went to two murals; the first showed Nephi about to renter Jerusalem to get the plates “being led by the spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which [he] should do”.
The second mural depicted the story of Esther and how she stood before a King. I loved telling these stories and I felt that he understood them better because there was a picture. We continued by explaining that these two stories told of people who trusted in the Lord. They did not know what would happen, only that the Lord was on their side. Come to think of it, I can also relate to these stories. After all, I have no idea what’s going to happen on my mission. I just know that giving tours is probably my favorite thing so far.
The other news is that I’ve now met up with all the other sisters going to visitor centers! There is about 50 of us here right now, so they had to split us up into two classes. Silly thing is that the 50 of us only represent 4 different missions. More than half are going to Temple Square and the other half are going to the Washington DC Temple Visitor Center. You noticed I did my math wrong?... yup! There’s a single sister going to the Mormon Battalion Historical site in California and then there’s me; the lone missionary off to Kirtland.
It kind of depresses me because I was really looking forward to meeting someone going to my same mission. I guess I was hoping to make a friend that I would see a lot at the Visitor Center. But alas it is not meant to be. It does make me wonder why. Why am I the only one? Why was I sent at this point in time and not when a big group of us went out? There are a few answers that give me comfort. I’d like to think that Heavenly Father has something special planned for me there. The other reason is so I could learn to be more social and not have to live with the mistakes that I’ve made here at the MTC.
I am definitely learning a lot about myself and the things I need to work on to become the Sister I want to be. Wow, I just love telling stories. So I thank everyone for listening (or reading as it may be). I’m excited and also nervous to head out to my mission, but I know that Heavenly Father will be by my side. He’s definitely been here this week, holding me up when all I wanted to do was cry and sending precious sisters to listen and comfort me. It’s been really hard. Wednesday has probably been the hardest day of my whole MTC experience. But I am making it through and surviving.
Never underestimate the power a single email has upon the heart of a missionary! (Or anyone else) So I’m going to challenge you guys that when you get a prompting to reach out to someone, don’t wait; not even a single day! Cause even if it’s a really short message, it still has the power to make someone’s day a whole lot brighter.
I love you all and hope you are doing well. But I will bid you farewell until next time!
Sister Becca Steiner
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