Not too much has happened this last week. It's actually been a bit laid back but I think that's been because we weren't sure exactly what was going to happen with transfers. So yeah, about that; my companion had almost convinced herself that she would be transferred even though that is highly unusual for a trainer and trainee. But huzzah! We are both staying in Tallmadge which for me means we get to celebrate Christmas with the friends and family we've made here! That is a big relief to me. That probably means I'll be Skyping from the Helbig's sometime in the afternoon on Christmas.
Let me think about stories. Like I said, not much has happened this week. But Sister Burnside and I did see a miracle after following the spirit. A few weeks ago when we asked Shannon to be baptized my companion was prompted to ask her to do it on the ninth. We didn't know why but things feel into place and she was baptized on that beautiful day. But now we know why: a few days later she had an accident in the kitchen where her finger got injured. I cringe just thinking about it. So now she has a thick purple cast on her pointer finger that can't get wet. It CAN'T GET WET! Such a miracle that she got Baptized when she did! Heavenly Father really does know what we are going to go through and He will help us to have perfect timing! God is so good!
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Me and Miko Bird |
Also, ever since Shannon got baptized I've been happier to be out on my mission. I love being able to put smiles on other people's faces even if it is just because of a wave or a "Merry Christmas!" A lot of people are so stressed out during this time of year, doing shopping and parties. It's amazing how the simple things make such a huge difference. Yeah, I'll miss being home with everyone but I like it out here too. I'll change the world, a little bit at a time! Hehe!
So I would really like it if you would all do something to make a stranger smile; I know Light Your Community is already over, but I would like you to just do a simple act of kindness.
One of the things I learned this week is to not get faith and knowledge mixed up. One of the people we just started to teach has been coming to church for four years with his girlfriend who is a member. The girlfriend and her family don't like to pressure him, but he knows a lot, enough that he helps us out as we teach the lessons! We were trying to find out what was holding him back from being baptized and finally understood what it was on Monday. He thought that he had to KNOW everything on the baptismal questions. He didn't understand believing and so we shared with him Alma 32:21 which says that Faith is to HOPE! So we asked him to look over those questions again and see if he has hope for the things mentioned. I honestly hope that this will change his views and also bring a greater desire for him to be baptized so he can be sealed together forever with his girlfriend! Yay!
He is really promising!
I don't really have much else to talk about. At least, not much else comes to mind. So I think I'll take leave of this week's volume and see you all next time!
Love, Sister Becca Steiner
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Us at the Helbig's House (the bird isn't dead. It just thinks it's a dog and LOVES its head being scratched! Best bird ever!) |
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Best Christmas decorations! (Grinch) |
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Best friends forever at a Kirtland Tavern! |
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Kirtland Lights |
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The Helbigs and us! |
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Cousin IT costume |
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