We've walked A LOT!! I think one morning we walked 2.5 miles in less than 2 hours. I've come to understand that Ohio doesn't really believe in turning on their porch light at night and the sidewalks are pretty bad, if there's one at all! But Haha! Its definitely been an adventure!
Story time! So today is Preparation Day, but because it's also Christmas Eve our mission President told us to have a normal day until noon and then have P-Day. This is so we aren't out tracting or anything after 6 PM like normal. Thus, me and my companion went out this morning.
Okay, more Mission News! We no longer have specific areas!! Crazy, right? We were just told about this on Friday morning. So instead of having two cities as our area, its grown to include the whole Ward Boundaries!! Which is pretty huge and we now share with the Elders who are in our ward. But we aren't sharing information about potential people or anything so it still feels like we have a small area. Plus, we don't have the miles to go any place far... which is stressful.
So after this announcement, the Elders contacted us and wanted us to go see a lady named Rebecca. She's apparently been in jail and wants to meet the missionaries but the elders were told that they shouldn't go see her... they didn't tell us the reason but hey. What could we say? Thus we called and set up an appointment for 11 this morning.
We drove to a town near by called Akron and as we were driving down the main street Rebecca's address showed right where a bunch of stores were. We were super confused. I thought she might have lived in an apartment above one of the stores but we never found out. I'll tell you why.
We turned down a side road so we could walk back to find her apartment. We stopped the car and called her two times. She did not answer. Well, we got out of the car, turned right on a little street that led to the main road and continued walking. Basically the whole time we were super creeped out and my companion saying how sketchy this little road was. Complete with a bit of a dump and scary spray-painted messages.
As we were about halfway down this street my companion said "There's a man." Sure enough on the other side of the street there was someone leaning up against the wall. We hadn't seen him before since there were a bunch of parked cars but as soon as Sister Burnside said those words and I saw that man I felt someone grab my arm and flip me around. I thought it was my companion because she too had instantly turned and without hesitating we walked back the way we came. We didn't look back.
We got back in our car and locked the doors. We tried calling Rebecca again to no avail and while we were waiting there we saw about 5-6 scary guys walk out from that sketchy street. They weren't all together, but it was enough to make us glad we were in our car as they went by. We then decided to find our way out of that town and back to our apartment. We were both so freaked out. We definitely have a new respect for the elders who had/have that area. (Except now it's sort of our area too)
Sorry for such a scary story but it's the biggest one I have for this week. Talk about a Nightmare before Christmas! Haha! (Yes, I'm still laughing and doing good! Don't worry! I have the Holy Spirit to keep me safe!!)
But my favorite thing today was getting emails from my family! Especially the recording of a new song that my dad has written. That song is so pretty! After listening to it twice I realized I really wanted to hear a recording with the actual words being sung. I definitely have another Christmas request for my parents... hehe ;D
Anyway, I'm super excited for tomorrow! We have a lot planned with the Helbigs and with Shannon and some other members who don't have family to visit them. It will definitely be full of service and giving of smiles!! I'm also excited to open up presents! Huzzah!
Well, I love you all and wish you a Merry Christmas!
Sister Becca Steiner
Story time! So today is Preparation Day, but because it's also Christmas Eve our mission President told us to have a normal day until noon and then have P-Day. This is so we aren't out tracting or anything after 6 PM like normal. Thus, me and my companion went out this morning.
Okay, more Mission News! We no longer have specific areas!! Crazy, right? We were just told about this on Friday morning. So instead of having two cities as our area, its grown to include the whole Ward Boundaries!! Which is pretty huge and we now share with the Elders who are in our ward. But we aren't sharing information about potential people or anything so it still feels like we have a small area. Plus, we don't have the miles to go any place far... which is stressful.
So after this announcement, the Elders contacted us and wanted us to go see a lady named Rebecca. She's apparently been in jail and wants to meet the missionaries but the elders were told that they shouldn't go see her... they didn't tell us the reason but hey. What could we say? Thus we called and set up an appointment for 11 this morning.
We drove to a town near by called Akron and as we were driving down the main street Rebecca's address showed right where a bunch of stores were. We were super confused. I thought she might have lived in an apartment above one of the stores but we never found out. I'll tell you why.
We turned down a side road so we could walk back to find her apartment. We stopped the car and called her two times. She did not answer. Well, we got out of the car, turned right on a little street that led to the main road and continued walking. Basically the whole time we were super creeped out and my companion saying how sketchy this little road was. Complete with a bit of a dump and scary spray-painted messages.
As we were about halfway down this street my companion said "There's a man." Sure enough on the other side of the street there was someone leaning up against the wall. We hadn't seen him before since there were a bunch of parked cars but as soon as Sister Burnside said those words and I saw that man I felt someone grab my arm and flip me around. I thought it was my companion because she too had instantly turned and without hesitating we walked back the way we came. We didn't look back.
We got back in our car and locked the doors. We tried calling Rebecca again to no avail and while we were waiting there we saw about 5-6 scary guys walk out from that sketchy street. They weren't all together, but it was enough to make us glad we were in our car as they went by. We then decided to find our way out of that town and back to our apartment. We were both so freaked out. We definitely have a new respect for the elders who had/have that area. (Except now it's sort of our area too)
There really are angels watching over us! Usually, Sister Burnside and I stop and consider what the spirit is telling us to do but today... we had someone turn both of us around in a matter of seconds, no questions asked! When I asked my companion about her grabbing me she said she doesn't remember reaching out for me at all! I'm so grateful to know we are watched over!! What a blessing!
Sorry for such a scary story but it's the biggest one I have for this week. Talk about a Nightmare before Christmas! Haha! (Yes, I'm still laughing and doing good! Don't worry! I have the Holy Spirit to keep me safe!!)
But my favorite thing today was getting emails from my family! Especially the recording of a new song that my dad has written. That song is so pretty! After listening to it twice I realized I really wanted to hear a recording with the actual words being sung. I definitely have another Christmas request for my parents... hehe ;D
Anyway, I'm super excited for tomorrow! We have a lot planned with the Helbigs and with Shannon and some other members who don't have family to visit them. It will definitely be full of service and giving of smiles!! I'm also excited to open up presents! Huzzah!
Well, I love you all and wish you a Merry Christmas!
Have fun! Be safe! Don't die!
Until Next Time!
Sister Becca Steiner
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