Monday, October 6, 2014

Thank You.

Hi Mom!

General Conference was way cool! I loved the story about the hatchet and the story about the two brothers and the band aids. That was a cute story and it was perfect for applying it to the Atonement. I miss you and the family so much. I'm sorry to say this but you and Dad only have a few more years till everyone is out. Set your priorities on spending time with the family. I believe you already are but I just wanted to say it. 

So something that hit me during General Conference was the fact that I have stewardship over the Blythewood Ward. It's not a lot but it's something that I applied to the family. Sometimes we are caught up thinking to much about the parents view and their responsibility to their children. Usually a youth I would hear when you get that age you will have stewardship over your children, but what I was thinking about was having it go the other way. What do the children think about the parents of today? 

When that question came to my mind, I was filled with the spirit and I just realized how much you and Dad did for me. I honestly don't think I could repay you for helping me through my struggles. I have thought a lot about you and Dad this week and just thinking about that first hug I will give you once I get off that plane. I will treasure that moment for ever. Thank you for pushing me out the door. Thank you for being my loving parents.

I then realized that it will be the same when we see Jesus Christ again. Will we not want to hug him and cry? 

I just want you to know that I love you and that I do miss you and Dad and the Family. I hope that you are having the time of your lives.

Love your Son,
~Elder Steiner

Bryson attending General Conference

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