Dear Family,
MTC world map!
I can't believe it has already been three weeks! Time really does fly out here. When I first arrived, I heard that the people here have no air conditioners, and so far that is true. The first few days were hard, but I have an awesome trainer. Elder Nelson has been out for 9 months and this is his first time being the Senior companion.
I was worried about biking in 90 degree weather, but then I found out that we have a car with air conditioning! Yay!
My area is half of Kent there are trees everywhere! I kind of miss the open views, but then I also really love the green here. I am having trouble memorizing everyone's names, but I am sure that, with time, faith, and work, I will eventually do it.
This first week was full of appointment that fell through. There was a miracle, however. It was on Friday. I remember praying that we would be guided to people who where prepared for the Gospel. Every single thing we planned fell through, all of our appointments, back-ups, and back-ups for back-ups. We started to visit people we didn't plan to visit, so we went to the other side of our apartment complex to see some of them. Someone called for us. We went to him and he said that the woman inside wanted to give us her address. Her name is Gracie. She is paralyzed from the neck down. Her daughter, Cinthia, and (I am guessing) her daughter's husband (we didn't get his name) were taking care of her. She just moved recently from Minnesota to Washington and forgot to tell the missionaries where she was going. She prayed to be able to find the missionaries here and just saw us out her window! She was really nice. She really lived in Bothell, which is outside our mission, and was just visiting her family. We sent out the referral for the missionaries in Bothell.
I know that God does answer our prayers, even if he has to make all of our plans fall through to do it. Heavenly Father knows best! I know that I am doing the Lord's work and I am happy to do it! I love you all!
Elder Steiner.
Things Received:
* Suit case/green package from family
* Suit case/green package from family
* Bike
* Helmet
* Bike Lights
I did not receive the bike lock.
Q and A:
Can you let me know your address?
* Mission Office Address: 23175 224th Place S.E., Maple Valley, Washington 98038
* All the mail should go to the mission office, they will give it to me where ever I live.
* I live in Washington Park Apartment Complex, Kent, Washington.
Where is Elder Nelson from?
* Saint Anthony, Idaho
Are we getting along?
* Yes. We both like to sing and serve.
How many missionaries are in your apartment, district, zone?
* Apartment: 2
* District: 6
* Zone: 18
Do you live in an apartment or a member's house?
* Apartment
Did you participate in church services yesterday like give a talk or something?
* No, but I did meet a lot of people.
Are you happy?
Do you and your trainer wrestle?
* Nope.
Any Families in your area that you like? If so, what are their names?
* Yes, the Weiderholt's Family. I still have to meet more people.
How is your door knocking going?
* In Kent, there are mostly apartment complexes, and we aren't allowed to knock on doors. So, we just contact on streets.
Mount Rainier from my window seat on the flight. Turns out it is actually an active volcano and due for an eruption. I hope that doesn't happen for the next 2 years.
One picture to explain how we felt at the MTC. That is Elder Northrup, by the way.
I just took this picture, Elder Nelson and I at the Covington Library
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